Biophysics. The young scientific discipline in full development. One of the first major works in Biophysics was “Mathematical Biophysics” by Rashevski in 1936. Biophysics is a science that uses the methods of physics to study structure and activities of organisms and groups of organisms. It is characterized by an interdisciplinary approach that links different, even mutually remote areas of biological research. Alongside biologists and doctors, it engages physicists and physicochemists, often within multi-specialist research teams. The main goal of Biophysics is to raise research activities in almost all fields of life sciences to a higher degree of exactness accessible to mathematical modeling and system analysis trough quantitative means of treatment, methodological practices, theoretical approaches and research results of modern physics and physical chemistry.
International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics classifies Biophysics into several basic categories: Molecular biophysics, Bioenergetics, Biophysics of Cell and Organism, Radiation Biophysics, Biophysics of Environment, Biophysical Mechanics, Biomathematics and especially Biophysical Techniques and Teaching Biophysics. Each of these categories contains several sub-categories, with the area of Biophysics of Cell and Organism which examines cellular ultrastructure and membrane transport, nerve conduction and nerve transmission, sensory biophysics mechanisms, mechanisms of contraction and homeostatic regulatory mechanisms, being the most complex. Area of Biomathematics includes Biocybernetics as a special branch. Molecular Biophysics mostly refers to biophysical aspects of structure and function of proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides and lipids. Bioenergetics refers to photosynthesis and thermodynamical aspects of living systems. In this classification Biophysical Techniques occupy a special place. Many of these techniques have gone beyond laboratory use into practice, especially medical. This is the case with non-invasive and non-destructive techniques (with no harmful effects to the body), adapted for in vivo analysis (eg, nuclear magnetic resonance techniques). Some of these techniques have become so common and accessible to researchers without special knowledge of physics, that they are no longer considered biophysical. Development of Biophysics at the University of Belgrade begins with the foundation of Yugoslav Biophysical Society in1970. Biophysics is studied within the Institute of Physiology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade at the Chair for General Physiology and Biophysics (undergraduate courses “Biophysical Basis of General Physiology” and “Basic Systems Biophysics”, and group of courses at the PhD program “Neurophysiology with Biophysics” established in 2007 and a new Master program in Biophysics). A graduate course in Biophysical Chemistry was established at the Faculty of Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade. Biophysics was especially represented, both scientifically and academically at the Center for Multidisciplinary Studies (Institute for Multidisciplinary Research since 2007), Belgrade. In the 70s and 80s the teaching staff of the Center largely contributed to the development of biophysical programs at the Faculty of Biology, School of Natural Sciences, University of Belgrade. At Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Biophysics dates back to 1935 and the foundation of today’s Institute of Biophysics.